Pernah dengar tentang Lucid Dream?
A lucid dream is a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eeden (1860–1932).In a lucid dream, the dreamer can actively participate in and manipulate imaginary experiences in the dream environment.
Maknanya kita boleh masuk ke alam mimpi secara sedar. Percaya atau tak, aku dah alaminya. Hebat.
Try this.
Lucid dreams in 3 steps
Step 1. Recall your dreams
The first thing you need to start with is learning how to recall your dreams. We dream every night of sleep, no matter whether we choose to or not. Dream recall functions as vital stepping stone for dreamsign analyses waiting ahead. Recalling dreams is simple. Once you wake up you immediately ask yourself "What did I just dream about?". Keep lying still and keep your eyes closed. Have patience. Start associating. Write down any dream or dream fragment that you are able to recall.
Step 2. Discover dreamsigns
Once you have journaled your dreams in Dream Journal for about two to three weeks, you review your dream entries and identify any recurrent dream-like features that characterize your dreams: dreamsigns. This could be anything bizarre in the dream. Do you notice any particular dreamsign that is recurrent and that frequently shows up in your dreams? Aha! You have found your target dreamsign!
Step 3. Recognize dreamsigns
By the time you get track of your recurrent dreamsigns, you can go to bed prepared. Say to yourself, "The next time when I encounter my target dreamsign again I will tell myself that I am dreaming".
Pioneered by Dr. Stephen LaBerge at Stanford University, lucid dreams are natural to most people and scientifically studied since the early 1980s.
Untuk aku dan kalian :)
11 years ago
Antara ciri2 orang yang memiliki ingatan yang kuat ialah mereka yang mampu mengingati mimpi mereka-Ulama(lupa namanya)
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