Assalamualaikum, How's life, guys? Dh baca post aku kt blog Enigma? Well, in this post I will write about Economics! Haha. Yeahh, now i'm studying Economics at IIUM Gombak. Dh abis asasi pon. But still I dont know which course I should pursue. (Rasanya tak boleh nk tukar U lain kot sbb x amek MUET) Either Economics or Accounting. Pfft. My mother constantly repeated to take either Accounting or Islamic Finance. But I would prefer Economics. In this two week pon my friend ade sorg tu yg aku rapat
(perempuan) yg melancong ke London. Bbm dgn dia, mcm best je duk sana. Haha. *masih berharap Master nti dpt belajar kt London in Economics. Haha. >_< Kalau nk amek Accounting pon xde masalah sebenarnya. Boleh je dpt A masa asasi aritu. Haha. And amek Degree kt UIA, whatever course it is, 1st year kne belajar balek all the basics before going through the course itself. Maknanya kalau nk tukar course after that 1st year xde masalah. Yeahh, I believe I can fly. InsyaAllah, aku akn set target utk belajar Master di London.
After kawen maybe. >_< Belajar masa Asasi, my pointer is not good enough. 3.5111 seems too low for me. Bukn nk riak ke ape, but if you know my life throughout CFS, you will understand why. I skipped classes by sleeping on my bed. (Gombak sejuk pagi2 bhai~), lupa nk hantar assignment due to mounting works, tak pergi quizzes sbb merajuk dgn lecturer. Ouh, how I REALLY regret it. My carrymark before final exam indicates that I will fail atleast one subject. Too low. Less than half. Rasa nk menangis time tu pon ada. Haha. Kne pggil dgn lecturer, nasihat demi nasihat. Talk to my friends a lot. I'm lucky to have my friends. Miss you guys. :') Kalau kt kelas dlu mne boleh malas. Rasa pelik bila nk bermalas-malas tp org lain sume tekun belajar. Haha. Anyway, the day before result kluar, I text my friend and cakap dgn dia cuak, takut bla bla bla. Even my result pon aku suruh kawan aku checkkn online.
(perempuan lagi) Haha. Alhamdulillah. Itu lah yg aku dpt. Then I imagine, how it will be kalau aku rajin mcm dlu? Mcm kt kelas 5 taufik dulu? Walaupun rasanya aku yg pling malas dlm kelas, but that is the best i have ever do. HAhaha. No matter what course I am taking, I believe I can fly~ Yeahh, I will be ready for my Degree, rajinkan diri and may success follow. With the pray from you, InsyaAllah. DO pray for me, okay. :)